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Family mediation

A safe space instead of bias

Konfliktlösung in vertrautem Rahmen

A safe space instead of bias

Mr Jones would like to solve his problem calmly. His idea: mediation.

Mr Jones is a quiet person. Nevertheless, there is a conflict that he would like to see resolved. Taking it to court would be uncomfortable. He would prefer to discuss the problem in a safe space.

Conflict solution in a safe space

The solution: mediation. In this process, Mr Jones encountered an atmosphere of trust and openness. With the help of a mediator, he was able to describe his point of view. In the course of the mediation, he had the feeling of being understood – and as a result, a satisfactory outcome was achieved for all. A win-win situation.

Trust and non-disclosure

This is how the mediation process works: experienced mediators guide the process and make sure that the set rules are followed. This is how sustainable results are achieved.